If there is an answer you cannot find, please let us know on info@scaleupconclave.com

Who can Participate?


Everyone who if a professional is welcome to participate, be they, developers or designers. Acceptance of applications is based on their interest in Medical Hacks and proven ability to BUILD - whether it’s writing software, designing beautiful UX, or something entirely else.

If you are under 18 years of age, we’ll need a parental consent form.

When will applications close?


The application period will close on 31st January 2024 at 11:59 PM IST.
We evaluate applications on a rolling basis and will notify acceptance via email. Once accepted, you’ll have two days to confirm your presence at the hackathon.

How does the application process work?


We’re looking for people who "do". Folks who are passionate enough to work on crazy world-changing ideas.
Tell us what makes you apply to Scaleup Hack, and what is it that excites you or makes you proud. Or anything else that you think will strengthen your chances of acceptance.
We can get to you better from your past projects, open source contributions, GitHub/Devfolio profile, and participation in hackathons.

Do we need to form a team?


Yes, we want to challenge both your design and collaboration skills. Teams can be between 2 to 5 participants or you can chose to participate individually. Most participants choose teams of 4-5. You can make a team before the event itself or attend our team building event to make a team. If you choose to make a team before the event itself, ensure all of your team members are registered for the event. 

How much does it cost?


The hackathon is completely complimentary for participants, thanks to our sponsors, which includes a weekend's worth of schwag, meals, drinks, snacks, and a place to crash.

Can we apply as a team?


Yes, you can participate either as an individual or as a team with up to 5 members.

How big can the team be?


You can form teams of up to 5 members. Most teams aim to have a mix of members with both design and developer skills.

What if I don't have a product or idea?


Fret not; most people don’t! We’ll have team formation and ideation events geared toward helping you find people to work with. You can join our WhatsApp to find potential teammates.

What is the code of conduct?


This is an experience and we want you to learn as much as you can. We request you abide by the following rules:

1. No seeking professional help from anyone outside of the ScaleHack. We have mentors at the event ready to help you!

2. No submissions will be accepted after deadline.

3. No Online participants will be allowed

4. No Prior designed product or solution will be allowed for the hackathon

How do I choose a track?


On the day of the event we will announce the prompt of each track. Discuss with your team and find a track you think you could do the best in. There is no advantage/disadvantage for choosing one track over the other. They’re all great options and you should just pick the one that is best for your team. If you are having trouble, we’d recommend brainstorming ideas for each prompt and choosing the most promising idea. 

Once accepted what do i need to bring?


A valid government-issued photo ID, laptop, phone, charger, any sleeping equipment you might want.

What shouldn't I bring?


Weapons of any kind, drugs, or alcohol.
If you’re unsure whether something will be okay, please ask ahead of time!

Do you provide travel reimbursement to hackers?


Scaleup Hack is free-of-charge, thanks to the support from our partners and sponsors, but the event cannot cover travel or other expenses for attendees yet.

Will we be able to keep any of the projects done to use for our portfolios?


Yes. You have made them and hence you rightfully have the right to keep it and use it in any form or format. We would appreciate a small mention of our Hackathon in the project description.

Is it possible for me to attend virtually?


As ScaleupHack 2024 is an entirely in-person hackathon, all members of a team must be present at the hackathon venue. Please note you will only allow be allowed to submit a project if you've been checked in by the volunteer team at the venue

How does judging work?


A panel of builders will evaluate hacks based on creativity, technical difficulty, design, and usefulness. The best 10 projects chosen by the panel will demo what they have built to everyone at the ScaleUP Conclave during the closing ceremony. New judges will be announced on a rolling basis on , so make sure that you follow us!

Still have questions? Email us at info@scaleupconclave.com